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The purpose here is to guide you through some basic steps using and configuring the Kibana. For more detailed information, please, refer to the official documentation.

Running Kibana with systemd

To configure Kibana to start automatically when the system boots up, run the following commands:

sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service
Kibana can be started and stopped as follows:
sudo systemctl start kibana.service
sudo systemctl stop kibana.service
These commands provide no feedback as to whether Kibana was started successfully or not. Log information can be accessed via journalctl -u kibana.service.

Opening Kibana

Open http://localhost:5601 and check if you can access Kibana.

If Kibana asks for credentials, the default user and password is:

user: elastic
password: changeme

If you installed Kibana through the script, check your elastic_pass.txt file.

If you can't access, check your credentials on your config file.

Creating index pattern

  1. To create a new index pattern, go to Management


  2. Click on Index Patterns at the left menu


  3. Click on Create index pattern


  4. Enter desired index pattern and click on > Next step



    Index Pattern List: eos-abi-* eos-action-* eos-block-* eos-logs-* eos-delta-*
    Where eos is the name of the chain.

  5. Select a time filter, if there are any, and click on Create index pattern

